2 Cor 4:7
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.
In our bible lessons for the children here, we have been teaching them about the first phrase of this verse, that each person carries Christ in them. As such, we should all take the time to see past the hardened outside of people and find the treasure in each one of God's children, despite our differences.
Tom, the Director of Hearts of Children Ministry, preached to us yesterday morning about the second part of this verse, which speaks to God's all surpassing power, Easter power, as Louie Giglio calls it. The same power that rose Jesus from the grave is available to every one us, if we are willing to surrender to him as Lord and access it.
Many of these beautiful people here in Guatemala live in unspeakable conditions, homes built of sheet metal or cinder block, without water, without heat. At home, our animals receive better care, as our teammate Chris says. Yet, these people have such a joyful contagious spirit. They are gracious and grateful. Their sense of community is striking. Even young children know to take care of each other and help without being asked. They support each other in order to survive. They live in the moment, not consumed with plans or worries of the future. What a lesson we can all learn from witnessing their collectivity and their present day awareness. We tend to isolate ourselves in our homes, our workplaces, and on our phones and we wonder why we have a breakdown in our families and our communities. They have so little but many appear, as least to me, to understand what is important, that they are rich in family. When the children were asked what treasure was, they named family and friends, not homes, cars or money.
I can't do much to help these people but our God can. His power can work through all of us, if we will only come to him, surrender ourselves and let him go to work. But as Tom says, we must be bold, knowing that His power is for us to use. How is this possible? In his words, we must "just do it."
People who go big for God are not supernatural. They have only chosen to tap into His supernatural Easter power. This is a daily choice that comes from being in His presence and putting self and fear aside and choosing obedience. Choosing Jesus. Since Jesus commands us to love his each other, how can we not? If we truly love him, like Peter, we will take care of his sheep.
Why did the Lord bring me to Guatemala? Maybe so my heart would break not just for these children but for all of God's children, wherever they may be. Today my Scripture reading was from 1 Kings 17 and 18. Many times it repeats the theme ...the people worshipped God but they appointed their officials or they worshipped God but they served other gods as well. My prayer is that we live a life without any buts.
In grace and peace,
Renee Lloyd
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