Last night one of our team members and I were praying in agreement for some family members who needed prayer. I don't know how long we prayed, but we probably could have prayed for hours. Praying, praising God, worshiping God.
The presence of the Holy Spirit was so intense, it was a while before either of us could stand up from the table. Even then, I went back to my room and sat in the dark for quite a while, just being in the Lord's presence and thanking Him.
We remembered how, throughout the week, Tom (our local missionary) has mentioned the ministry house is on holy ground, a ground saturated with prayer, filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit and lots of angels.
But this is not the only holy ground. We have holy ground back home in Dahlonega. What we experienced in prayer last night should be a daily occurrence in our town. We need to live in that place of awareness of God.
As I walked around the property last night, I became so aware of the angelic activity and the absolutely vivid presence of God. I need to expect that awareness when I return home. Speaking for myself, I need to be more intentional about living in the kingdom of God daily. Being aware of the presence and power of God all around us.
I am prayerfully asking the Lord what it looks like, to live and move on holy ground back home. It's different for each of us.
The more time I spend sitting, being, walking, living in the presence of the Lord, the more I realize I don't know anything. Our team's theme for this week quickly became, "I don't know." We don't know anything. God knows everything. It's in the stillness of His presence, where we recognize our lack of knowing anything but Him, that He imparts His very best for our lives.
So I don't know anything. But one thing I am sure of: if each of us, including each person who reads these words, will daily live in constant awareness of God's presence, and expect His power to manifest in every aspect of our lives, together we will see the kingdom of God here among us. It will become more visible, not only to us, but also to everyone around us. And it will increase every day.
Love from Guatemala - Janet Eriksson
"Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, 'Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it.' And he was afraid and said, 'How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.'" - Genesis 28:16-17

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