We arrived early at the village with the makeshift houses on the side of a mountain. Across the valley was a smoking volcano.
The people were so warm and welcoming and made us comfortable as we set up our stations for medical, children's VBS, prayer, clothes and food.
A beautiful lady from the church prepared lunch for us, as she wanted to serve the team. Folks from the church joined us in the mission work. What a blessing!
The Holy Spirit moved powerfully all day. The weather changed frequently but God's love remained steadfast. The people may seem to have little, and their needs are great. But they have a deep faith and trust in God, and a deep awareness of their need for Him. They also have a strong sense of family and community. It was wonderful to see moms and kids playing together and enjoying the day in such harsh surroundings.
They need prayers for physical healing and basic needs. Most of all, pray for their spiritual lives as they continue to grow closer to Jesus and feel the depths of His love.
We served till late afternoon, and after a quick dinner went straight to church, where we did a Bible lesson and activity with the children.
We are tired and starting to feel some wear and tear, so please pray for our refreshing. We look forward to another day of serving in the village today. Much love from Guatemala - Janet Eriksson
1 Thessalonians 1:2: "We give thanks to God always for all of you, constantly mentioning you in our prayers."

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